Our family has spent many years compiling the information on this website using public sources as well as genealogical research. Innaccuracies are very possible and we gladly encourage your feedback, corrections and suggestions.

We hope you will contribute your own shareable content to our “online museum” dedicated to the 98th Pennsylvania Regiment.

Every time a link comes alive for a new soldier in the roster, we bring his memory back to life as well.

Thank you so much for visiting!

Rebecca (Lautenbacher) Goldie

We Welcome Your Feedback!
Email Us: Museum@98thPVI.com

Looking for the 98th PA Reenactors Group?

We are not affiliated with them, but we are proud of what they do!
You can find more information at: www.facebook.com/98thPVI

*Please note: We would be thrilled to support them here by posting information or a reenactment calendar. Please contact us, if you are part of the 98th reenactors group.